Apr 19, 2010

Swelling of the eyelids


Usually occurs in people of mature age and primarily localized at the edge of the lower eyelid.There is often a broad base, and the structure may resemble cauliflower. Color dark tumor, growth is slow. Surgical treatment.

Senile wart

Develops in people of mature age (after 50 years). Localization of Different - Leather proper age and temporal region. Has the appearance of a slightly raised patches of gray, yellow or dark in color with clear boundaries. Growth is slow. Treatment - cryodestruction or laser vaporization.

Dermoid cyst

Localized, usually in the external part of the upper eyelid. Has a contoured shape and dense consistency. On palpation painless and does not change its size when bending the head and holding their breath. Differentiated angioma, and encephalocele. Surgical treatment.

Cysts of sweat gland Moll

It is kind of a bubble with a transparent content, which is located at the edge of the century, usually lower. Surgical Treatment - puncture the cyst wall.


The most common neoplasm of age, usually the top, in children. Many of them (~ 30% of cases) capillary hemangioma detected at birth. Symptoms depend on the depth of the tumor and the nature of the process. In general, diagnosis is not difficult. Swelling changes the color of the eyelid skin, which looks swollen.

At voltages (the slope of the head, cough, delayed exhalation) Available symptomatology increases - more clearly konturiruyut blood vessels (superficial and deeper), enhanced swelling of age. The growth of hemangiomas, which sometimes happens fast enough, can lead to partial or complete ptosis of the upper eyelid. Treatment methods vary - cryodestruction submersible diathermocoagulation, sclerosing and radiation therapy, surgical removal, corticosteroid therapy.


A tumor that develops in different anatomical structures of the organ of vision of patients suffering from disease Reklinhauzena (Recklinghausen FD, 1882). Often affects the upper eyelid, which increases in size, thickens, and gradually sinking, closes the eyeball. Fabric fibroma soft and therefore it can be felt through the thick strands of nerve trunks. At the same time neyrofibromatoznye nodes of small size appear in the conjunctiva, sclera and iris (nodules Lisha). In addition, the skin of patients always has coffee-colored spots. Surgical treatment.


Often occurs in children suffering from leukemia. In respect of a leukemic cell infiltration. As a rule, it is associated with the upper wall of the orbit and proceeds from it. The zone of edematous lesions, but without signs of inflammation. The tumor may disappear with successful treatment of a patient on the basic pathology.

Nevus stationary

Pigmented tumor, the source for the development of which are special cells located in the epidermis (epidermal and dendritic melanocytes) and in the subepithelial layer (nevotsity, and spindle-shaped dermal melanocytes).

Nevus progressive

Tags: enlargement, the appearance of his edge roughness, hyperaemic vessels, halo delicate pigment and papillomatous surface.

Cutaneous horn

Digitate outgrowth emanating from the edge of the century, usually lower, with keratinization of its vertices. Surgical treatment. Use as electricity or lazerekstsiziyu.


Usually develops on the lower eyelid. At the early stage of development resembles a drop of candle wax that is on his skin surface with a dent in the center. However, it may have and the type of non-healing ulcers. Upon removal of the overlying crust reveal weeping surface.Treatment - cryodestruction, laser vaporization.

Basal cell carcinoma

Makes up to 90% of all malignant epithelial tumors. It occurs most often in the nodular and corrosive-ulcer form. In the first case the tumor is sufficiently clear boundaries and grows slowly.In the center of her time there craterization, sometimes covered with crust. In the second case the edge of the century, first appears a small, painless sore, easy bleeding, which then starts to quickly grow in size.

Scaly cell carcinoma

It occurs much less frequently described above, its shape. The process develops most often on the lower eyelid. Skin it to some area becomes hyperemic and thickened, forming a knot. In the middle of it then there is deepening with ulceration. The area of destruction is gradually increasing.

Cancer Treatment century: with small amounts of tumor (10 mm) may be removing it surgically, in some cases shows a radiation therapy or cryodestruction.


Malignant tumor. There are two forms of it - flat and nodes is more common second. Their rapid growth and spread to neighboring tissues and tendency to metastasize to lymph nodes, skin, liver and lungs. Touching it, for example, a cotton swab leads to discolouration of his pigment.Treatment: When small amounts of tumor may be surgical removal of it. In other cases - radiation therapy using a narrow proton beam.

Adenocarcinoma meybomievoy cancer

Rare and more often in women. Develops under the skin of the century and the early stages of development is very similar halyazion, which is often a cause of diagnostic errors. Prone to metastasize to regional lymph nodes. It grows quickly and aggressively. Treatment: radiation therapy, with symptoms of tumor spread to the conjunctiva - ekzenteratsiya orbit. Forecast for the patient is always serious.


Malignant, rapidly progressing neoplasm originating from soft tissues of age, usually the top.Particularly aggressive differs rhabdomyosarcoma. The tumor was firm, painless, often grows in the eye socket. Combination Treatment: surgery, chemotherapy.

Cataract operation

Cataract - a painless, cloudy film on the lens of the eye. In cataract surgery removes the lens cloudy. To well you have seen, the lens must be replaced. This can be done in one of two methods:

During the operation the doctor may introduce an artificial lens in the capsule that held the natural lens. Most surgeons use this method. If necessary, you can also wear glasses or contact lens after surgery.
In some cases, the doctor may not be able to replace the lens. Once your eyes had recovered after surgery, you have to wear glasses or contact lens, so as to compensate for the natural lens is removed.
Since the operation involves replacing the lens in your eye, make sure that your doctor explained in detail about all the advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses, glasses, and implanted lens.
How effective is cataract operation?

Cataract operation is safe and effective. If you have no other eye diseases such as glaucoma or problems with the retina, your chances to improve vision after the operation for cataract is high enough. But you'll still need reading glasses or glasses for near vision.

Cataract could reduce the need to use glasses or contact lenses by improving other eye problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. But the operation is done only for this reason.

What are the risks of cataract surgery?

Complications of cataract surgery atypical. The most common complications after surgery for cataracts - clouding of the back of the lens, covering the capsule, which remains after the operation. Cataract, which can develop gradually over more than a few months or years, meets approximately every 4th patient operated for 5 years after cataract surgery. If turbidity affects your vision, you can suggest another operation - capsulotomy to correct this problem.

In general, serious complications after surgery are observed in less than 5% of operated patients. The risk of complete loss of vision after surgery is very low.

Possible potential complications:

Swelling of the retina, which usually runs on its own within a few weeks.
New or modified forms of astigmatism, which can usually be adjusted with the help of corrective lenses, and they will not affect your vision.
Infection of eye tissues. It affects less than 1% of operated patients. This serious infection can lead to complete loss of vision.
Inflammation of the cornea, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and vision problems, which may be caused by particles of a cataract, an opportunity to stay after the operation. The doctor may do a procedure called vitrektomiey to remove these particles and improve your eyesight.
Development of glaucoma after cataract removal.
Retinal detachment. Patients who have had cataract surgery are at risk with a possible detached retina.
Some of these complications can be successfully treated using a new operation or additional therapy. But even when exerted treatment, these complications may be due to deterioration of vision or lead to complete loss of vision. In some cases, treatment itself may cause further complications.

Your vision may be blurred for 3 months after cataract surgery. This is - well, as time will pass, as your eye heals.

When cataract surgery is not desirable?

If you choose not to accept the cataract surgery, then over time your vision will probably continue to slowly deteriorate. This may limit your ability to lead a normal daily life activity and safe driving, especially at night. Vision problems can lead to crashes, accidents and all sorts of wounds.

In cataract surgery may occur higher risk of complications if a cataract is running. In the United States and other countries where available the most advanced technologies and methods of treatment, surgery to remove cataracts rarely cause blindness.

Information for you

This information will help you if you have not yet decided to do surgery or not.

This information may not be useful if:

Does your child have a cataract. It is important to remove congenital cataracts, which causes significant vision problems before the child reaches 3 months, so as to prevent permanent loss of vision.
Your doctor will recommend cataract surgery to be able to control the other problem with sight, such as retinal detachment.
Your choice is yours:

Prooperiruyte cataracts.
Wait and consider the transfer operation, if vision problems caused by cataracts begin to interfere with your lifestyle.
In deciding to accept the operation or not, keep in mind your personal situation and medical factors.

Solution: accept cataract surgery or not?

Reasons to agree to an operation:

Reasons not to accept the operation:

Poor vision prevents you perform your job.
Bright sunlight or lights bother you, especially while driving.
Poor eyesight restricts your ability to participate in normal recreational or social activities.
Are you afraid that you can fall and injure yourself, because you're not seeing.
Loss of vision threatens the loss of your independence.
Other reasons due to which you could agree to surgery?
Loss of vision gradually and does not affect work or daily activities.
Other eye diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, mean that cataract surgery will not improve your eyesight.
You have poor general health, and you are worried about the forthcoming operation.
Glasses or contact lens to help improve your eyesight.
You do not want to accept the operation.
Other reasons that you do not want to accept the operation.
A wise decision for your health

Use this working record to help you make the right decision. After completion of this document, you must be a view of the fact whether you need cataract surgery. Discuss this working record with your doctor.

Check the circle the answer that best fits you.

What is your impression of the whole?

Your answers to the above-mentioned working entries are designed to give you a general idea of where you are in dealing with this issue. You may be one or the other reason, to accept the operation or not.

Cataract and your eyes

Cataracts - clouding of the eye lens, which can weaken eyesight. More than half of all adults aged 65 and older have a cataract.

What causes cataracts?

The eye functions like a camera. Light rays pass through the front wall of the eye, passing through the cornea, then - the iris, and a transparent liquid front eyes - on the lens. The lens then refracts light rays to focus objects on the retina at the back of the eye. From there, the retina, optic nerve, and brain process visual signals and images.

Cataracts occur when there is accumulation of protein in the lens, which makes it muddy. This prevents the light passed through the normally clear lens, causing some loss of vision. Nobody knows what causes accumulation of the protein responsible for clouding of the lens.

Cataract - the lens, which became turbid.

Types of cataracts:

Age cataracts. As the name itself suggests that this type of cataract develops as a result of aging.
Congenital cataracts. Babies are sometimes born with cataracts as a result of intrauterine infection, which may then develop in childhood.
Secondary cataract. They may develop as a result of concomitant diseases such as diabetes, or long-term contact with toxic substances, certain medications (such as corticosteroids or diuretics), ultraviolet light or radiation.
Traumatic cataract. They may form after trauma eyes.
Other factors that may increase the risk of occurrence and development of cataract are: cigarette smoke, air pollution, and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

What are the symptoms of cataracts?

Cataracts often develops slowly and causes few symptoms:

Vision that is cloudy, blurry, foggy or filmy.
Sudden nearsightedness.
Changes in the perception of color - especially yellow.
Problems when driving, especially at night, because of the distracting oncoming headlights.
Problems with the bright light.
Doubling of view.
Sudden temporary improvement in near vision.
How to diagnose a cataract?

Several tests can be performed by your ophthalmologist. There will be a complete eye examination to check how well you can see (do not forget to bring to the examination your glasses or wear your contact lenses. Your doctor will also enhance your pupil in order to investigate the condition of the lens and other parts of the eye.

How to treat cataracts?

Ocular examination will help the doctor determine whether a cataract has affected your vision. If the vision is acceptable, glasses, including bifocals and contact lenses may be prescribed by a physician, eliminating the need for surgery.

If you are suffering from vision loss, which violates the usual course of your daily life, you may be a candidate for cataract surgery, which involves removing the darkened lens and replace it by transparent plastic.

Cataract operation is usually performed on an outpatient basis, and usually successful in restoring vision. In fact, it is the most commonly performed surgery in the U.S., more than 1.5 million transactions per year. In most cases, in 9 out of 10 patients undergoing surgery, there is a significant improvement of vision.

Talk with your doctor to find out what treatment is best for you.

Can I prevent cataracts?

Since the exact cause of cataracts is not found, and there is no proven method to prevent it.Despite the fact that cataracts are so common among the elderly, it is important to examine your eyes regularly. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, in people aged 40 to 64 years should be, a comprehensive eye examination every two - four years for people aged 65 and older must be, a comprehensive eye examination every two years.

People with a long history of eye disease or other medical problems that increase the risk of eye diseases such as diabetes - should receive an eye examination more frequently (once a year, or as recommended by your doctor).

Cataract and guidance to health

Applying the principles of health, you make wise decisions to improve your health.


Taking a decision is taken into account that:

Not all cataracts need to be removed. Your decision on whether to agree to an operation or not, will likely depend largely on how cataract affects the quality of your daily life. Many people with cataracts live, using glasses or contact lenses, and may postpone the day of surgery or avoid it altogether.
Vision problems caused by cataracts develop slowly, over time, so you probably should not rush into surgery.
Cataract operation involves removing the lens from your eye. In this case, the lens must be replaced. If a replacement is not possible, then you have to use glasses or contact lenses, so as to compensate for the absence of the lens.
If you removed a cataract, you still will need to wear glasses or contact lenses for a better view.
Medical Information

What is colorblindness?

Color blindness is a consequence of the absence or malfunction of certain color-sensitive cells of the retina.

The retina - a layer of nerves at the back of the eye that converts light into nerve signals that send information to the brain. A person with color blindness has some problems in distinguishing such as flowers - red, green, blue, or combinations of these colors.

Usually, the eye has three types of cone cells, which are light-sensitive cells and are located in the retina. Each type is sensitive to red, green, or blue light. You see, regardless of the color when your cone cells differentiate the number of cells of the three primary colors. When one or more of these types of cells is absent or unable to function properly, you will not be able to see one of these three colors, or you can see the change of a color.
Cone cells are concentrated mainly in the central part of the retina (spot), to ensure clear, sharp color vision. They work best in relatively bright light, so it is difficult to distinguish colors in the dim light.

The term "color vision problem" is often used instead of color blindness because most people with color blindness may be little to distinguish colors. Some people with color blindness can not distinguish colors at all.

What causes color blindness?

Most of the problems associated with color, inherited genetically and is already present at birth.Other problems with the definition of color due to aging, illness, injury eye (acquired by vision problems), with the problems of the optic nerve, or with side effects of some drugs.

Legacy vision problems related to the definition of color, more common than acquired problems and affect men more often than women.

How to diagnose color blindness?

To measure the ability to distinguish colors, using different tests:

The most famous test - psevdoizohromatichesky test plate. During this test, you will be asked to look at the totality of colored dots and identify the sample, like a letter or number. Type of problems related to color vision, which you have, can often be determined by the way what samples you see or not see through a variety of plates used during the test.

For people with acquired color vision problems using the distribution of test items in color. The basis of this test is the distribution of subjects according to the color or shade. People who are colorblind, can not expand the color plates correctly.

How does it treat?

Inherited color vision problems can not be cured or corrected. Some acquired color vision problems can be cured, depending on the cause. For example, if the cataract causes problems with color vision, surgery to remove a cataract may restore normal color vision.

The problem with color vision may have a significant impact on human life. These problems can affect learning ability and reading, as well as significantly limit the choice of occupation rights.However, children and adults with color vision problems can learn to compensate for their inability to distinguish colors.

Symptoms may vary in color blindness. Different people see different shades of colors. You can not see the red, green and blue colors, or shades of these colors. If the problem of color vision is not so serious, you can not understand that you can see something else than a man who has normal color vision.

People with less severe color vision problems distinguish shades of colors. They may not be able to distinguish red from green, but can see blue and yellow.

People with serious problems of color vision can not distinguish colors at all. They see only shades of gray, chernogoi white.

Inherited color vision problems affect both eyes equally;

Acquired color vision problems can occur only in one eye or may affect one eye more than the other.

Inherited problems with color vision are usually present at birth and do not change over time.

Acquired color vision problem may change over time with the person's age or during the course of the disease.

Genetically inherited color vision problems.

Most of the problems associated with color vision, inherited genetically and is associated with the problems of the cone cells in the eye, which distinguishes color. Inherited color vision problems affect both eyes equally, usually present from birth and do not change throughout life.

Most common problems of color vision - the inherited problems in which very difficult to distinguish between red or green.

This problem affects approximately 8% of men and less than 1% of women. Suffice rare type of inherited problems, in which a person sees a blue and yellow shades of the same (both men and women).

Types of inherited color vision problems.

There are four main types of inherited color vision problems:

The most common type of color vision problem, called anomalous trihromasiey, occurs in people who have all three types of cone cone (to distinguish red, green, or blue), but are missing or incorrect number of one type of cone-cone, or a one type of cones is a lack of pigments, to perceive color.

People with these vision problems can see all three colors such as green, red and blue - but not as people with normal color vision. Thus, they see different shades of colors in a different way than people with normal color vision.
Another type of color vision problems, called dihromasiey happens when one of the three types of cones of the cone is missing. Thus, a person can only see two of the three colors.

Most people with this problem of color vision can detect the difference between blue and yellow flowers, but have problems in determining the difference between red and green colors. (Very few people in this category may see red and green colors, but do not distinguish between blue and yellow colors).
People with this type of disease more serious problems of color vision compared with the first type (anomalous trihromasiya).
The third type of inherited color vision problems, called the blue cone monohromasiey occurs when two of the cones of the cone (red and green) are absent.

This type of inheritance affects only boys and men.
Sight distance is often weakened, and the boys with the disease may be involuntary eye movements (nystagmus)
A boy or man with a blue cone monohromasiey distinguish only blue color of the entire spectrum of colors.
The fourth and the main type of inherited color vision problems, called achromatopsia, occurs when all three types of cones cone absent.

A person with this color vision problems can not see the color spectrum, but only shades of gray, black and white.
People who have this type of disease, may also have other vision problems, such as - a vision for distance and reading, sensitivity to light and lighting (photophobia).
This type of color vision problems is the rarest and most serious.
This disease is also called monohromasiey retinal rod, because man sees mainly due to strokes retina.
Genetics of inherited color vision problems.

Most color vision problems associated with genes that regulate the production of pigments in the cones cones that perceive color.

Genes tapered cones, responsible for the perception of red and green colors are in the X chromosomes. Women have two X chromosomes. Men have only one X chromosome and chromosome Y, and they inherit their X chromosome from the mother.

The man will be color vision problems in the red-green range, if the defective gene will be his only X chromosome. A woman may be defective gene in one of the two X chromosomes, which can cause color vision problems, and this happens far less often than men.
The woman, which has a genome of this type of color vision problems, there is a 50% chance of transmitting the gene her sons (because they inherit one of the two X chromosomes). Her daughters may be such a problem, if they inherit the defective gene on the X chromosomes and from mother and a father. This is much less probable case.
That is why color vision problems can occur through several generations in families who have a genetic predisposition to problems with color vision.

Genes responsible for the pigment of the cones of the retina and responsible for the vision of blue color, are not in the X chromosomes and are non-sexual chromosomes, which have both men and women. This means that the color vision problems associated with blue, occur with equal frequency in men and women. However, these types of color vision problems are relatively rare.

Acquired color vision problems.

In acquired color vision problems have many causes:

Aging may increase the chance of color vision problems. Vrezultate darkening of the lens with age, people are difficult to perceive the difference between dark blue, dark green and dark gray.
Side effects of certain drugs can cause temporary or permanent color vision problems.
Certain eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, or diabetic retinopathy, can cause temporary or permanent color vision problems. The treatment of these diseases may help to preserve or restore color vision.
The wound in the eye, especially in such parts as the retina (spot), or in the optic nerve, can cause color vision problems.
Acquired color vision problems:

Common in women as often as men. Inherited color vision problems are much more common in men.
May occur only in one eye or affect one eye more than the other. One eye may be the problem of color vision, and the other eye may be normal color vision.
May change over time, throughout a person's life or during illness or injury, the eye that cause this problem.
Often makes people unable to see the difference between blue and yellow.