Apr 19, 2010

Cataract operation

Cataract - a painless, cloudy film on the lens of the eye. In cataract surgery removes the lens cloudy. To well you have seen, the lens must be replaced. This can be done in one of two methods:

During the operation the doctor may introduce an artificial lens in the capsule that held the natural lens. Most surgeons use this method. If necessary, you can also wear glasses or contact lens after surgery.
In some cases, the doctor may not be able to replace the lens. Once your eyes had recovered after surgery, you have to wear glasses or contact lens, so as to compensate for the natural lens is removed.
Since the operation involves replacing the lens in your eye, make sure that your doctor explained in detail about all the advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses, glasses, and implanted lens.
How effective is cataract operation?

Cataract operation is safe and effective. If you have no other eye diseases such as glaucoma or problems with the retina, your chances to improve vision after the operation for cataract is high enough. But you'll still need reading glasses or glasses for near vision.

Cataract could reduce the need to use glasses or contact lenses by improving other eye problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. But the operation is done only for this reason.

What are the risks of cataract surgery?

Complications of cataract surgery atypical. The most common complications after surgery for cataracts - clouding of the back of the lens, covering the capsule, which remains after the operation. Cataract, which can develop gradually over more than a few months or years, meets approximately every 4th patient operated for 5 years after cataract surgery. If turbidity affects your vision, you can suggest another operation - capsulotomy to correct this problem.

In general, serious complications after surgery are observed in less than 5% of operated patients. The risk of complete loss of vision after surgery is very low.

Possible potential complications:

Swelling of the retina, which usually runs on its own within a few weeks.
New or modified forms of astigmatism, which can usually be adjusted with the help of corrective lenses, and they will not affect your vision.
Infection of eye tissues. It affects less than 1% of operated patients. This serious infection can lead to complete loss of vision.
Inflammation of the cornea, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and vision problems, which may be caused by particles of a cataract, an opportunity to stay after the operation. The doctor may do a procedure called vitrektomiey to remove these particles and improve your eyesight.
Development of glaucoma after cataract removal.
Retinal detachment. Patients who have had cataract surgery are at risk with a possible detached retina.
Some of these complications can be successfully treated using a new operation or additional therapy. But even when exerted treatment, these complications may be due to deterioration of vision or lead to complete loss of vision. In some cases, treatment itself may cause further complications.

Your vision may be blurred for 3 months after cataract surgery. This is - well, as time will pass, as your eye heals.

When cataract surgery is not desirable?

If you choose not to accept the cataract surgery, then over time your vision will probably continue to slowly deteriorate. This may limit your ability to lead a normal daily life activity and safe driving, especially at night. Vision problems can lead to crashes, accidents and all sorts of wounds.

In cataract surgery may occur higher risk of complications if a cataract is running. In the United States and other countries where available the most advanced technologies and methods of treatment, surgery to remove cataracts rarely cause blindness.

Information for you

This information will help you if you have not yet decided to do surgery or not.

This information may not be useful if:

Does your child have a cataract. It is important to remove congenital cataracts, which causes significant vision problems before the child reaches 3 months, so as to prevent permanent loss of vision.
Your doctor will recommend cataract surgery to be able to control the other problem with sight, such as retinal detachment.
Your choice is yours:

Prooperiruyte cataracts.
Wait and consider the transfer operation, if vision problems caused by cataracts begin to interfere with your lifestyle.
In deciding to accept the operation or not, keep in mind your personal situation and medical factors.

Solution: accept cataract surgery or not?

Reasons to agree to an operation:

Reasons not to accept the operation:

Poor vision prevents you perform your job.
Bright sunlight or lights bother you, especially while driving.
Poor eyesight restricts your ability to participate in normal recreational or social activities.
Are you afraid that you can fall and injure yourself, because you're not seeing.
Loss of vision threatens the loss of your independence.
Other reasons due to which you could agree to surgery?
Loss of vision gradually and does not affect work or daily activities.
Other eye diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, mean that cataract surgery will not improve your eyesight.
You have poor general health, and you are worried about the forthcoming operation.
Glasses or contact lens to help improve your eyesight.
You do not want to accept the operation.
Other reasons that you do not want to accept the operation.
A wise decision for your health

Use this working record to help you make the right decision. After completion of this document, you must be a view of the fact whether you need cataract surgery. Discuss this working record with your doctor.

Check the circle the answer that best fits you.

What is your impression of the whole?

Your answers to the above-mentioned working entries are designed to give you a general idea of where you are in dealing with this issue. You may be one or the other reason, to accept the operation or not.

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