Apr 19, 2010

Swelling of the eyelids


Usually occurs in people of mature age and primarily localized at the edge of the lower eyelid.There is often a broad base, and the structure may resemble cauliflower. Color dark tumor, growth is slow. Surgical treatment.

Senile wart

Develops in people of mature age (after 50 years). Localization of Different - Leather proper age and temporal region. Has the appearance of a slightly raised patches of gray, yellow or dark in color with clear boundaries. Growth is slow. Treatment - cryodestruction or laser vaporization.

Dermoid cyst

Localized, usually in the external part of the upper eyelid. Has a contoured shape and dense consistency. On palpation painless and does not change its size when bending the head and holding their breath. Differentiated angioma, and encephalocele. Surgical treatment.

Cysts of sweat gland Moll

It is kind of a bubble with a transparent content, which is located at the edge of the century, usually lower. Surgical Treatment - puncture the cyst wall.


The most common neoplasm of age, usually the top, in children. Many of them (~ 30% of cases) capillary hemangioma detected at birth. Symptoms depend on the depth of the tumor and the nature of the process. In general, diagnosis is not difficult. Swelling changes the color of the eyelid skin, which looks swollen.

At voltages (the slope of the head, cough, delayed exhalation) Available symptomatology increases - more clearly konturiruyut blood vessels (superficial and deeper), enhanced swelling of age. The growth of hemangiomas, which sometimes happens fast enough, can lead to partial or complete ptosis of the upper eyelid. Treatment methods vary - cryodestruction submersible diathermocoagulation, sclerosing and radiation therapy, surgical removal, corticosteroid therapy.


A tumor that develops in different anatomical structures of the organ of vision of patients suffering from disease Reklinhauzena (Recklinghausen FD, 1882). Often affects the upper eyelid, which increases in size, thickens, and gradually sinking, closes the eyeball. Fabric fibroma soft and therefore it can be felt through the thick strands of nerve trunks. At the same time neyrofibromatoznye nodes of small size appear in the conjunctiva, sclera and iris (nodules Lisha). In addition, the skin of patients always has coffee-colored spots. Surgical treatment.


Often occurs in children suffering from leukemia. In respect of a leukemic cell infiltration. As a rule, it is associated with the upper wall of the orbit and proceeds from it. The zone of edematous lesions, but without signs of inflammation. The tumor may disappear with successful treatment of a patient on the basic pathology.

Nevus stationary

Pigmented tumor, the source for the development of which are special cells located in the epidermis (epidermal and dendritic melanocytes) and in the subepithelial layer (nevotsity, and spindle-shaped dermal melanocytes).

Nevus progressive

Tags: enlargement, the appearance of his edge roughness, hyperaemic vessels, halo delicate pigment and papillomatous surface.

Cutaneous horn

Digitate outgrowth emanating from the edge of the century, usually lower, with keratinization of its vertices. Surgical treatment. Use as electricity or lazerekstsiziyu.


Usually develops on the lower eyelid. At the early stage of development resembles a drop of candle wax that is on his skin surface with a dent in the center. However, it may have and the type of non-healing ulcers. Upon removal of the overlying crust reveal weeping surface.Treatment - cryodestruction, laser vaporization.

Basal cell carcinoma

Makes up to 90% of all malignant epithelial tumors. It occurs most often in the nodular and corrosive-ulcer form. In the first case the tumor is sufficiently clear boundaries and grows slowly.In the center of her time there craterization, sometimes covered with crust. In the second case the edge of the century, first appears a small, painless sore, easy bleeding, which then starts to quickly grow in size.

Scaly cell carcinoma

It occurs much less frequently described above, its shape. The process develops most often on the lower eyelid. Skin it to some area becomes hyperemic and thickened, forming a knot. In the middle of it then there is deepening with ulceration. The area of destruction is gradually increasing.

Cancer Treatment century: with small amounts of tumor (10 mm) may be removing it surgically, in some cases shows a radiation therapy or cryodestruction.


Malignant tumor. There are two forms of it - flat and nodes is more common second. Their rapid growth and spread to neighboring tissues and tendency to metastasize to lymph nodes, skin, liver and lungs. Touching it, for example, a cotton swab leads to discolouration of his pigment.Treatment: When small amounts of tumor may be surgical removal of it. In other cases - radiation therapy using a narrow proton beam.

Adenocarcinoma meybomievoy cancer

Rare and more often in women. Develops under the skin of the century and the early stages of development is very similar halyazion, which is often a cause of diagnostic errors. Prone to metastasize to regional lymph nodes. It grows quickly and aggressively. Treatment: radiation therapy, with symptoms of tumor spread to the conjunctiva - ekzenteratsiya orbit. Forecast for the patient is always serious.


Malignant, rapidly progressing neoplasm originating from soft tissues of age, usually the top.Particularly aggressive differs rhabdomyosarcoma. The tumor was firm, painless, often grows in the eye socket. Combination Treatment: surgery, chemotherapy.

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